Oi You! You are as mad as a march hare and I Like It!

So I have been doing a lot of thinking, and a lot of reading.

Reading of books and blogs and social media sites all about marketing, business, communicating, connecting, because despite what I said a few weeks ago - I JUST CAN'T LET IT GO!!! 

You know what? I don't think that is a bad thing. it means that I do care about this, it creates a passion and a drive to want to create something, see someone smile because of something I did, catch something beautiful and show it to the world, feel proud of something I made, control my own destiny, live life with a bit of flair and grrrrr!!!!

I have been lucky that over the last few weeks I have been finding more and more inspirational blogs and speakers and entrepreneurs who have the same views as I do, who want to create a business but do it on their terms, with no compromise to who they are - hell it celebrates who they are, make something creative and amazing and professional but have loads of fun doing it, and not be too bogged down in the seriousness of the fact they are business owners.

I want that. I want to celebrate the creation of something, something that I made.

The more of this stuff I read, the more excited I get, because it suddenly all makes sense - I can just be me! I am allowed to do what I enjoy to do, the way I want to do it! Now that sounds strange, and probably leaves some of you thinking 'ummm, ok, so who was that person that I spoke to before?' It was me, but it was the 'office' image of myself, not wanting to put people off by acting the clown that I often am, or letting my dress sense portray an aspect of me that didn't sit right in the business, and make people feel uneasy. Being polite and meek, and business like.

But now? I am coming out, silly dances and all! I cant be true to a business if I cant be true to me. If I am not true to me, and portray it in my working life, and weave it into the branding of what my business will be then I will never attract the right clients to the business that I want to offer. I want people to understand that what they see is what they get, and if it feels right and can relate to me then that is excellent - let the fun begin.

I am not going to apologise for being me any more!

I feel that I can even write properly now, no formality, no expectations of how serious and professional I should come across as. Just me rambling on, and having fun with it!

Because in reality I am actually mad as a march hare, as my family and friends will testify. The thought of branding a business with me as part of it is actually really exciting. Instead of constantly worrying about if people will not like me, I had better tone it down and act like a grown up I am now asking myself 'Why?'

So I might as well start with the truth here, even though I am not quite ready to restart a business tomorrow, this will be a good way to get in the mindset to jump in:

I am weird. 
There I said it, and it has been confirmed to me by many people over the years.
I don't fit in with the normal people, and feel fidgety  when I am in an office meeting surrounded by suits, having to put my serious, I am paying attention face on. I like to sporadically burst into song and dance at often inopportune moments, including supermarkets, family gatherings, office catch-ups, waiting in a queue......

I like bright colours and I cannot lie, those boring colours make me want to cry (did you see what I did there? I made it to the tune of 'I love big butts' song!), though at the moment my wardrobe is having a colour crisis and a rock shop is over due. Not the rock on the beach, the rock that is Marilyn Manson and UV glowing hair extensions. I am clumsy, and awkward, and often called Miranda due to this!

I want to do business with people who are not afraid of expressing who they are, like to be a bit different, will laugh at stupid things, are willing to take a chance. I want people who are happy to book me because they recognise me in them, and understand what I am trying to achieve and trust for me to do that for them!
I want to make fun and interesting marketing strategies and adverts that gets people's attention for being different. I want to give people a brilliant experience, and make them feel that they have gained a mate as well as a brilliant product and service. I want to allow myself to have fun doing all this, and not making excuses and tell myself I am not good enough, or that I cannot be a successful because I don't fit the image of what a successful business person should be!

Is there anyone else out there that feels that they have to conform and behave a certain way to be accepted? 
If you could just let go what would you want to show people? 
How do you want people to see you? Come on we are all friends here, you can tell us- because we won't judge you.

Wanting to get some inspiration? check out some of the sites that help me stay focused on just being me:
Rock n Roll bride
The middle finger project
Alex Beadon

Hope you all have a brilliant week, and I challenge you to do one crazy thing this week, and make someone smile!

Andrea x