Organising your favourite finds

Hi there my lovely readers

Browsing the web and always finding interesting pages, and links and ideas?

If you are like me, and are constantly bookmarking different sites to come back to again at a later date, finding a way of having an organised bookmarks area is a godsend.

I am always on-line, either learning new techniques for Lightroom and Photoshop, fun crafty projects that I will get round to trying at some point, interesting blogs that you want to read again, new kit that I want to buy if I ever find the money, lovely packaging ideas, new ideas of presenting your photos, cup cake recipes, the list goes on and on.

I have discovered that my website bookmarks are as chaotic as the inside of my mind after a busy day, and every time I struggle to find a suitable folder to save it to and finding it again after is even harder: "I'm sure I made a new folder for that topic last week - where is it?!! arrrrgghh fine I will make another one." So the frustrating cycle goes on.
Trying to go back and find some of the things that I have saved is a mission in itself and I spend ages searching, and end up thinking I imagined the whole thing!

hahahah! No more my friends! I. am. organised!

I have found that you can actually organise your bookmarks and have sub folder directories inside main folder headings and everything has it's own place!

How I got to this miraculous place I cannot tell you! My fingers are often flying over the keyboard so quickly that I am inadvertently launching computer short-cuts all over the place, but rarely can I work out how I have done it or how to duplicate it.

The same thing happened this week. Suddenly up popped another new tab on my Chrome browser and there in front of me all beautifully laid out and easy to organise was my Bookmark Manager. I did not even know this existed!
What a wonderful thing it is. A place that lists and shows all my bookmarks on one side, and a place to organise and rename and reshuffle in another! Suddenly everything became clear.

I now have all my favourite sites organised by theme: Home stuff, Garden ideas, Photography, in a nice neat set of folders, and in some of these are sub folders to organise them some more! For example I have broken the photography one down into several different folders for easier searching and adding.
Photography > Photoshop, Lightroom, Photo business tips, Suppliers, blogs I like etc.

Now I might already be talking to the converted, and you are smugly sitting there with a hot cup of tea, nodding saying yes, I know this already, for my bookmarks have been beautifully organised for aaaaaages! To these people I salute you and why did you not tell me about this sooner?
For the rest of us, who spend our time rushing around and thinking I will get round to organising that another time when I get the chance, this is for you.

Now this is for Chrome, as that is the browser I use, but I am pretty sure all the others must have something similar, and the best thing to do is do a Google search, and search for your own Bookmarks Manager.

So if you have got a few mins to sit down and bring up your BM Manager do it!
Seriously, it is a little bit addictive, and that is coming from someone who is not tidy or organised at the best of times. Seeing all my favourite links now in their own little folder under headings that make sense is a great feeling.
Also I found all the bookmarks that I HAD saved previously but couldn't find them again afterwards, as I had saved them into a completely random folder (I actually found a bookmark folder called Random) and would never have thought to look for it there. It also showed that I had saved some sites several times in different places as I couldn't find them again!
So this is my gift to you today - organised web space.
Go and have fun!
