Remembrance Day

As this year's Remembrance Day comes around again, I thought I would share some photos of the Aldershot Royal Legion with you.

They were such a lovely group of people, and as they told me their stories it was just amazing to hear what they had experienced during the War.

They have served all over the world in terrible conditions including on the Beaches at D-Day, where they saw their friends killed and wounded.
They have won medals for their service, but have seen sights and sounds that many of us can only hope to never experience.

They are amazing, and have a wealth of knowledge and stories that should be told and understood, and they are the last few of a rare and sadly dying breed.

I think it is so important that their stories should be heard before it is too late. If you are buying a poppy this week, and you have the opportunity to talk to any of the Royal Legion volunteers please take the time to talk to them, and hear some of their stories for yourself.
Won the Atlantic Star medal and served in the Dieppe Raid while working for the Navy

Victor is 91 years old and worked in the Royal Engineers Corp and has won many medals

Served on HMS Magpie and fought on the beaches on D-Day

Eddie Wilson served in the Gulf War in Kuwait as a Medic 

Jan Served in the 1st Parachute Regiment and worked in Bahrain and Cyprus