Support your Christmas Craft Markets and get some great gifts at the same time

Tis the Season for caring and sharing and looking after your fellow man. 

A brilliant way to do this is to go gift shopping at your local Christmas markets.

They are springing up everywhere this month and everyone loves a peruse of a craft market, and what better time to do it then when you need to buy gifts for your loved ones.

I am pleased to say that I have visited 3 separate Christmas markets this week alone, and I have another one flagged up for Sunday if I can make it.

What is so good about craft markets?

·         They are full of unique and interesting items that are more often than not lovingly crafted by hand by people who are bursting with creative artistic goodness.
·         They love what they do and care about the products they make so want to make sure that all their products are good quality and things you will love.
·         It is fun wandering around all the different stalls and you are always guaranteed to find some yummy tasties to help the journey taste that bit sweeter.
·         You will end up talking to the stall holders and getting to know a bit about them and their businesses and products.
·         They will mostly be local so you will be supporting your local economy by buying from them.
·         The gifts will be unique and not another duplicate ‘gift set’ from a high street chain.
·         It is a fun way to spend your weekend
·         It is inspiration if you are feeling stuck with a craft project of your own, you will find more impetus after you have seen all the lovely stalls.

So if they are not enough reasons to tempt you to head for your local Christmas market this weekend here are some photos and links to some of the stalls I have visited.

Winchester Christmas Market
There are stalls up the high street and through the month of December there is a Christmas market in the Winchester Cathedral with lots of stalls to investigate, and they are open late into the evening.

Petersfield Christmas Market  
Although the Christmas market which stretched the entire length of the town through the high street is not on every week, they do hold a lovely farmers market there once a month.

Maltings Christmas Market – Farnham
This indoor extravaganza was on for two days this week until 9pm, and was massive. Rooms that led into other rooms and halls and galleries of goodies.

Maltings Market stall links:
Smithbrook Glassblowing Studio

I would like to thank the stall holders who allowed me to take photos of their wares, and hope to find you at another market soon.
